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Please consider making a donation to support the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy in promoting the highest caliber of interdisciplinary scholarship in political and legal philosophy.

Membership dues provide most of our financial support, and they cover the costs of distributing the NOMOS volumes to our members. Donations will help (1) expand our activities; (2) broaden our reach beyond the U.S.A. and Canada; and (3) subsidize graduate student memberships. Help fund these efforts by making a donation of any amount:

Friend: $50          Fellow: $100          Benefactor: $250          Sponsor: $500          Patron: $1,000          Other Amount: ___ 

Our immediate goal is to raise $5,000 to cover the expenses of setting up and maintaining this new website. To kickstart this drive, Andrew Rehfeld (a former Secretary-Treasurer of the ASPLP) has made a generous donation of $1,000. Anita Allen (a current Vice President of the Council of the ASPLP) has also made a generous donation of $500.

Donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. 

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